First graders have been learning about color in art class. They learned about primary colors (red, yellow, and blue), and through projects based in experiential learning, they discovered how to mix and blend primary colors to create secondary colors (orange, green, and purple). Each project builds upon the next, as the color theory gets more complex.
For the first activity, I used a lesson with a game format. I told them that they needed to create a collage using primary colors, but that I'd be trying to "trick" them by giving them all the colors. I acted quite dramatic when a student picked up a purple piece of paper. I walked around offering them extra materials, and they had to say "yes please" to primary color materials or "no thank you" to secondary color materials. They gladly accepted blue glitter, but told me politely to put the purple ribbon back in the closet.
The next class, I introduced them to secondary colors on the color wheel. I told them that we would be making a color wheel, and that their project was to create circles with each color we had talked about- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. To their surprise, when they got to their seats, all they had was red, yellow, and blue! They had to figure out how to make their own secondary colors by mixing and blending paints. They used these colors to create rainbows. Next class, when the paints had dried, they cut and pasted to created their own color wheels:
Finally, we looked at the painting Broadway Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian. They noticed that he had only used primary colors. I told them they could choose "team primary" or "team secondary" for their paintings that day. They used oil pastel to create lines, and watercolor for the color. Some students even chose to mix their secondary colors even though those colors were provided.