Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Color Wheels With Found Objects! (Rashi School Online Lesson)

Hello everyone! This is a lesson for my students at The Rashi School. I hope you'll join along!

Click on this link for a video with the directions!

Color Wheel Video Directions

Project: Found object color wheels
Materials: Stuff around the house!
Time to complete: 30-40 minutes

Hi, first graders! Here's how to create your own color wheel at home- no paint needed! You can follow along with the video (you'll need to make sure to pause it between steps when you need to do different things), or you can read along with the directions and photos.

This lesson is fun, it will get you moving and exploring, and it will show you just what a colorful home and what colorful stuff you have! Remember: ask before you borrow anything!

Here's a color wheel image I found online...               And here's my homemade color wheel!
-First, find three primary color objects: one red, one blue, and one yellow.
They don’t have to be all that color, but they should be mostly that color.
-If the things don’t belong to you, ask before taking them, and of course,
put them away when you’re done. Make sure that the colors look like the
ones on the color wheel- for example, be sure that the blue is really blue
and not turquoise, which is a mix of blue and green!
-Put them on a paper or a rug or a table. Make sure they’re in the right spots-
check the picture of the color wheel! 
-Then, find three secondary color objects: one purple, one yellow, and one green.

-Make sure they’re in the right spots- check the picture of the color wheel!
-Remember, the color wheel is like a map that shows you which primary colors
make the secondary colors. So, orange should be between red and yellow,
because orange is made of red and yellow!

Now, find three long objects- look at the silly stuff I used! Oh boy, I’m going to have a lot of stuff to put away… First, show that the primary colors are connected in a group. Red connects to yellow, yellow connects to blue, blue connects to red- just like in the photo.

Now, get three more long objects and connect the secondary colors, like this!
Remember when you guys noticed that the color wheel looks like a Jewish star
because of the two triangles? Well, there it is! 

****** Now, take a picture of your color wheel and send it to me so I can see it!
Here’s my finished color wheel. 
My email address is

Hey, wait! Don’t go yet! do you want an extra challenge?
Before you put your things away, look at THIS color wheel.
It has even more colors: green-yellow, yellow-orange, orange-red, red-violet,
violet-blue, and blue-green. Continue the activity by finding even more objects in these colors.
You can see a picture of mine:

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