Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Third Grade Texture Collages

Third graders have been learning about the geographical regions of the United States in Social Studies. In art class, we focused on the geography of the Southwest. This also tied into our year-long thematic unit on texture. First, they looked at pictures of the Southwest in their textbooks and brainstormed at least five texture adjectives and nouns that they saw. Then, they learned watercolor techniques for creating each of the textures. Next, they painted a piece of paper with the color and texture technique needed for each of their nouns in their landscape. Finally, they cut and ripped the textured, painted papers to create their collages. They used their brainstorming sheets to write texture poems about the Southwest to accompany their artwork. 

The Southwest
Rocky canyon
Big rocks
Spiky cactus
Go to the Southwest
Feel all the textures
Eat all the foods
Swim at the beaches
Most importantly have fun

The Southwest
Dry canyon
Tangled grass
Flowy river
Sandy desert
Rocky caves
Feathery birds
Burning sun
Cool sunset
Spiky cactus
The Southwest is unique

The Southwest
Bumpy canyon
Spiky cactuses
Smooth gold
Prickly caves
Smooth buffalo
Rough sky
The Southwest is a fun place to go!

Spiky grass
Rough canyon
Smooth desert
Bumpy cacti
Jagged trees
Cloudy sky.
The Southwest is awesome!

Spiky cactus
Grainy sand
Lumpy mountains
Rigid canyon
Rocky kivas
And smooth sky
It is so hot there, you will see if you go to the Southwest.

The Southwest
Rough mountain
Smooth waterfall
Spiky cactus
Rough tree
Bumpy grass
The Southwest is very hot.

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