Thursday, October 3, 2013

Super-Size O'Keeffe Drawings

Second graders have been learning about Georgia O'Keeffe. I have a special place in my heart for her, having taught art and creative writing at the Georgia O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe as a student. First, we explored her 1925 painting of a red poppy:

I asked them what they noticed and they noticed how big the flower was... so big that it doesn't even fit on the page! Then, I asked them why they thought O'Keeffe painted small things so big. They made great observations, suggesting that it was so that people would notice it more and see details they might not have seen.

The second graders chose an object such as a seashell, a flower, and a piece of fruit and sketched it super-size. They used my special homemade "O'Keeffe-o-scopes" to really zero in on the details of their object by seeing only their object and nothing around it.

A huge apple:

A gigantic flower:

Three humongous flowers:

A seriously big tomato:

A super-size seashell:

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